
I don't want to precede something with too much hype, but some things come along which warrant introduction. It's appropriate to understand that at the end of a journey to find faith in music, to overcome the feeling of the stale air that overtakes our personal, echoing airwaves, that I find myself pleasantly surprised into love and hope for music.

(The end of my Elder Millennial Hero's Journey; EMHJ if you will. Rest easy, Boomers, I now hold the wheel of the midlife crisis and I will use this time to humble my pride and leave my heart open to beauty.)

I have found at last something common to millions, withheld to me by the plenum that comes from grocery stores and project deadlines. I have returned from the wilderness with music in my heart.

I'm speaking, of course, about Ayra Starr's "Commas." It's a rare, perfect song that not sharing feels like a transgression against everyone I love; and so I thought I would share it with you now:

What great gorgeous, sweeping themes! Her voice is mesmerizing, the band is tight and controlled like a well-fitting dress. She is passion, like God's great fire in the shape of song. I feel overcome by a fever dream, delirious in the crown of morning light as a new symphony rises.

This song is good, and out of the ministerial fire I offer a first look for anyone who has unfortunately missed this comet: